Windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Inject the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload (staged). Country, HTTPServer, IP, Microsoft-IIS, Title, The Box/devel# msfvenom -list payloads | grep windows | grep meterpreter | grep reverse_tcp This is done as follows The Box/devel# whatweb This can likely work if the file is an aspx given the type of server. Therefore, we can use an exploit which can give us a reverse shell. Therefore, if we put a file into this folder, we can navigate to that file on the browser. Now we can navigate to the file and check if the file has been uploaded and is it rendered by the web server. This is a test file for The Box/devel# ftpģ31 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.ġ25 Data connection already open Transfer starting.ģ0 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (207.7793 kB/s)